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The Double Barrel Shotgun (DBSG) is the 18th weapon available and was added during the Elysium update. For the longest time, it costed 500 GoldIcon, it has now since the Battle of Elements Update, been halved.


Stepping up greatly from the Shotgun, this gun better exemplifies itself, with increased damage, along with more rounds; before the Winter Update this gun used to have an even better pump than the aforementioned, now however, along with its range, accuracy, and agility, it is more less on level with its "single" counterpart. In spite of that, its damage can prove quite resourceful against causal and light armored players in close proximity, but is greatly reduced by maxed Anti & Tank builds.

Because it carries more rounds in the chamber, this Shotgun is better adapted for making early shots against more well rounded enemies in a Run And Gun, but like all, it takes great strides in Ambush tactics, where the user can guarantee a down on most opponents. If caught in the open, this 12-gauge is greatly weakened by Assault Weapons, Heavy Weapons, and Launchers.

DPS Hit-Scan Distance Crosshair Width Mobility Loss
39-300% 12ft 55% 10%
Pump Action Shell Recovery Damage Falloff Handling
1rps 2/s 70% after 6ft & increasing +15% accuracy while moving


    Mission Pose
   Purchase Emote

Used By[]

Nightmare (Poster)


  • Oddly enough, it has a bullpup feeding system, indicated by the six feeding cylinders in the rear of gun, which could have added up to 12 rounds rather than 10.
  • When in reload, the character will pull nonexistent ammunition from his back pocket.
  • When posing for a mission, the character will handle this gun as he once did for just a moment.
  • An actual Double Barrel uses a break action feed, which would make this weapon more in tune to the infamous Aristocrat's Shotgun.
  • At point-blank, using just half its capacity, this weapon may down Whiplash.
  • There is a random chance that whenever a user is pressing the fire and reload button in quick succession, another round is made, bypassing its pump action.
    • During the Winter Update, this glitch was fixed.
    • Speaking of, after that update this gun was greatly nerfed, reducing its pump action speed by 50%.
Decedents Burial Shotguns Post-Double Barrel Ignis Blaster